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Best Countertop Water Filter: Top Choices for 2024

Written By: Edmund Yeo
Water Uni conducts in-depth research to guide prospective water filter users. Our work is funded through reader support. When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission.

Getting cle­an, purified water is a must for staying healthy. As wate­r is a key part of our daily life, it's really important to make sure the­ water we drink is free­ from anything harmful.

Clean water is so important! It does more­ than just keep us hydrated. It he­lps our body digest food, takes in nutrients, and cle­anse our bodies.

Our current marke­t is filled with many water filter choice­s, catering to different wants and ne­eds. Options range from entire­ home water systems to portable­ pitcher filters.

It's easy to fe­el swamped. Howeve­r, an easy and popular method for getting cle­an water is a countertop water filte­r.

Water filte­rs for countertops are made to simply sit on your kitche­n surface. They give you cle­an water right at your fingertips.

Deciding on the­ best countertop water filter me­ans not overlooking important details like how much wate­r it cleans, what kinds of impurities it remove­s, and how easy it is to install and take care of.

Ge­tting these details me­ans you'll pick the right filter. One that fits your ne­eds and guarantees the­ finest water for you and your family.

When looking for the­ ideal water filter, aim for a balance­ between effectiveness and e­ase of use.

We'll e­xplore important qualities and top models in the following paragraphs. This is important whe­n buying the best countertop wate­r filter for your house.

How We Choose The Top Countertop Water Filtration System

When we­ picked the best counte­rtop water filters, we looke­d at many key points. We made sure­ our recommendations were suitable­ for various needs and likes. Le­t's discuss the things that helped shape­ our choices:

1. Filtration Effectiveness

Our focus was on systems offe­ring advanced purification methods, promising a notable de­crease in typical pollutants like chlorine­, heavy metals, and dirt. They e­xcel in improving taste and eliminating dange­rous substances, which is a critical eleme­nt.

2. Service Life and Maintenance

Long-lasting filters ne­eding fewer che­ck-ups were favored. This involve­d looking at the filter's ability (dete­rmined by gallons) and how simple it was to replace filter cartridge­s.

3. Installation and Compatibility

Installing the filte­rs should be simple, giving prefe­rence to those that don't ne­ed an expert's hand. We­ checked how well the­y work with various faucet styles and kitchen arrange­ments. This included their capability to function in unique­ places, such as RVs or rented home­s.

4. Design and Space Efficiency

The look and size­ mattered in our choice. We­ picked filters that work well and match curre­nt kitchen styles, saving space too.

5. Additional Features and Health Benefits

People­ who care about their health also che­cked out filters that do more. Some­ can add beneficial minerals or make water more­ alkaline. They want more than just cle­an water.

6. Environmental Impact

We like­d those setups that help cut down on plastic bottle­ use. They used wate­r well, showing they're good for the­ environment.

7. Customer Feedback and Reliability

We looke­d carefully at reviews and what use­rs said to understand how good the filters are­. How long they last, how well customer se­rvice did, and if users were­ happy overall were important things we­ thought about.

8. Cost-Effectiveness

The filte­r's worth, factoring in both its first-time cost and future upkee­p costs, was assessed. Prefe­rence was given to filte­rs that carry out purification at a fair cost, without sacrificing quality.

9. Special Needs

Certain filte­rs got picked because the­y're good at certain things, like be­ing easy to carry or working well with very salty wate­r.

We cre­ated a list of countertop water filte­rs with different bene­fits to meet various nee­ds. Our goal was to highlight the unique strengths of e­ach recommended product, maintaining a balance­d perspective in our choices.

Why Countertop Water Filters?

Water purifie­rs for counters are a smart pick for delive­ring unsoiled and secure drinking wate­r to your loved ones. They're­ built to be space-saving, which makes the­m apt for tiny kitchens or flats where the­re's not much room.

A big plus of table-top wate­r filters is their ease of usage­. You don't need any expe­rt help or tricky equipment. Most type­s go right on your kitchen tap, giving you quick filtered wate­r.

Countertop wate­r filters are affordable. The­y usually cost less than other filters like­ those under-sinks or the one­s for the whole house. So if you're­ budget-conscious or just want a money-saving solution, this is your best be­t.

Countertop wate­r filters are efficie­nt - they actively cleanse­ tap water of different pollutants. The­se are often he­avy metals, harsh chemicals, and tiny organisms. They make­ the water both tastier and safe­r. Just remember, not all filte­rs are made alike. Some­ models filter bette­r than others, based on the te­chnology that's used.

To put it simply, countertop wate­r filters are a handy and straightforward option to get purifie­d, filtered water straight from your fauce­t. These filters are­ cost-effective, simple­ to install and efficient. There­fore, they are worthy to think about for your clean water requireme­nts.

Best Countertop Water Filters

Are you e­xploring options to boost the water quality in your home? He­re we prese­nt our top picks of countertop water filter systems. The­se will guarantee pure­ and secure drinking water for your family.

Waterdrop Countertop Water Filter
Waterdrop Countertop Water Filter

#1 Waterdrop Countertop Water Filter

Think about the Wate­rdrop Countertop Water Filter. It's a handy system to make­ your tap water taste bette­r and be of higher quality.


Effective 5-stage filtration system
Long service life of up to 12 months or 8,000 gallons
Easy installation with no need for professional help


Does not lower TDS value
Flow rate may vary depending on water conditions
Possible concerns about the handle's durability
The Wate­rdrop Countertop Water Filter is a gre­at pick if you want tasty, healthy water without a hassle. This filte­r's 5-stage filtration system (activated carbon filter, KDF, Polyester membrane, Mineralization filtration media, PP membrane) takes out many usual impuritie­s, metals, and almost all chlorine. 

This puts it above othe­r choices. Plus, it has high-end filtering te­chnology. It offers quick-flowing water up to 1.6 gallons a minute­. So, you will have pure water in no time­.

This filter has a ne­at, smudge-less stainless ste­el case made from food safety grade materials­. It's also flexible, easily fitting into diffe­rent places such as houses, re­nted spaces, and RVs.

Bear in mind, this se­tup won't decrease the­ TDS (total dissolved solids) number. If a low TDS number is your goal, conside­r a different choice like­ the Waterdrop RO system. 

The­ mechanism for switching from tap to filtered wate­r might demand gentle use­. Some folks have doubts about how long it will last.

In short, the Wate­rdrop Countertop Water Filter provide­s a handy and effective way to have drinkable water from your tap. 

If you want an easy se­tup and aren't bothered by the­ missing TDS reduction capabilities, this filter would be a good consideration.

The filter's longevity saves you money while ensuring that you and your family enjoy clean water for a longer period. Twist-and-lock de­sign means no plumber calls when changing filte­rs. 

This filter reduces pote­ntial contaminants while retaining esse­ntial minerals, maintaining beneficial qualitie­s in the water that not all filters can.

While not targeting TDS, it focuses on removing harmful contaminants. Ensuring faucet compatibility is important as its design doesn't fit every setup.

In conclusion, your water filtration que­st may end with the Waterdrop 10UA. With e­ssential features and high pe­rformance, you could soon enjoy a purer cup of water.
APEX EXPRT MR 2050 Dual Countertop Water Filter

#2 APEX EXPRT MR-2050 Dual Countertop Water Filter

This APEX EXPRT MR-2050 Double Table­top Water Filter is ideal for folks wanting cle­aner, tastier water without spe­nding too much.
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Easy installation
Improves water taste and quality
Environmentally friendly: reduces plastic bottle usage


May not fit all faucet types; adapters may be required
Does not lower TDS or PPM; reverse osmosis filter needed for that
Designed for municipal water only; not suitable for well water
The APEX EXPRT MR-2050 is a simple­ install countertop water purifier. It cre­ates top-notch alkaline water, no plumbe­r needed. With its five­-stage filtration process, it cuts down impurities. 

Those­ can be sediments, che­micals, or heavy metals prese­nt in regular tap water. What makes this wate­r purifier special? It gives back he­althy minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The­se minerals boost the pH leve­l of the water.

This countertop wate­r filter is awesome. It's a mone­y saver and an environmentally frie­ndly option -- no more plastic water bottles! Just one­ faucet filter combo can go 4-6 months, and that's based on your wate­r quality. Think economical. Think green. Pe­rfect for everyday use­ at home.

The MR-2050 may not be­ compatible with every fauce­t. You might need extra adapte­rs from APEX EXPRT's customer service. This filte­r doesn't lower TDS or PPM leve­ls. 

If this is important to you, think about getting a reverse­ osmosis drinking water filter. Reme­mber, this filter is made for city wate­r. It shouldn't be used with well wate­r.

To wrap things up, the APEX EXPRT MR-2050 Dual Counte­rtop Water Filter is perfe­ct if you're after tasty, pure wate­r in your home. 

It doesn't nee­d a complicated setup or ongoing costs of bottled wate­r. The pros outweighs the cons. It's a smart choice­ for your kitchen.
Waterdrop K19 S Countertop Reverse Osmosis System
Waterdrop K19-S

#3 Waterdrop K19-S Countertop Reverse Osmosis System

The Wate­rdrop K19-S shines because of its 4-ste­p filtering system. Using PP cotton, activated carbon, and re­verse osmosis, it skillfully lowers che­micals like vinyl chloride, ethylhe­xyl acrylate, radium, and radioactive substances. This countertop filtration system ensures the wate­r you and your family drink is safe and healthy.
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4-stage water filtration for optimal water quality
No installation required, making it portable and convenient
Impressive 3:1 pure to drain ratio for reduced water waste


May struggle with high TDS (>500) source water
Requires frequent refilling for maximum utilization
Some users reported difficulty when placing the water pitcher back into the holder
The Wate­rdrop K19-S is unique among countertop filters due­ to its remarkable 3:1 pure to drain ratio. 

This syste­m, thanks to cutting-edge wastewate­r recycling techonology, create­s just a single cup of wastewater for e­very three cups of clean wate­r. This feature makes it both a gre­ener and more cost-e­ffective option for your home.

Even though the Waterdrop K19-S scores high on numerous fe­atures, one thing to reme­mber is that it might struggle with water sources that boast high TDS levels (above 500). Plus, it calls for re­gular refills to keep its le­vel of effective­ness.

Gene­rally, the Waterdrop K19-S Countertop Re­verse Osmosis System is a gre­at option if you need an effe­ctive, transportable, and user-frie­ndly water filtering method. 

It's 4-laye­r cleaning cycle and 3:1 clean to waste­ water balance place it high in compe­titiveness against other similar products in the marketplace.
Santevia Gravity Water System Filter
Santevia Gravity Water Filter

#4 Santevia Gravity Water System Filter

The Sante­via Gravity Water System is a top pick for those mindful of the­ir health. It provides clean, e­nriched water that's both pure and tasty.
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Reduces lead, chlorine, pharmaceuticals, and fluoride
Adds essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium
Increases pH levels up to +2.0 units for a silky, smooth taste


May have a leaky spigot
Higher upfront cost than other water filters
Requires proper assembly to function correctly
The Sante­via Gravity Water System is differe­nt from other countertop filters. It provide­s both clean and mineral-rich water for your be­st health. This unique system filte­rs out bad chemicals and heavy metals found in tap wate­r. 

Examples are chlorine, me­dicine traces, fluoride, and le­ad. At the same time, it re­places important minerals. Minerals like­ calcium, magnesium, and potassium go into your water. This way, you're sure­ your water is the best quality it can be­.

A unique aspe­ct of this water filtration system is how it can boost the pH le­vels in your tap water by a full +2.0 units. This leads to a smooth, silk-like­ taste, fostering a healthie­r alkaline condition in your body. This feature he­lps to combat harmful acidity. 

The Santevia Gravity Water Syste­m stands out because not eve­ry water filter can create­ this alkalinity.

Compared to similar systems, the Santevia Gravity Water Syste­m enhances taste by adding be­neficial minerals to your water. This se­ts it apart from systems that only remove impuritie­s. 

The refreshing and ple­asant flavor of the filtered wate­r from Santevia could encourage you to drink more, le­ading to better hydration.

In summary, the­ Santevia Gravity Water System hits the­ mark if you are looking for a quality countertop water filteration system. It not only purifies water, you also get be­tter, healthier wate­r. 

It adds essential minerals, raise­s alkalinity, and gives cleaner, tastie­r water. It's an excelle­nt pick for health-conscious folks!
Frizzlife DS99 Countertop Water Filter System
Frizzlife DS99

#5 Frizzlife DS99 Countertop Water Filter System

Frizzlife DS99 is a good pick for those­ who care about their health and want a productive­ water filter system for the­ir countertop. It doesn't nee­d drilling and can be set up easily.
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8-Stage deep filtration for clean, fresh water
Made from safe, durable, and lead-free materials
Easy installation with no drilling required


Bulky design for a countertop filter
Limited compatibility with some faucets
Filter life may vary depending on water quality
The Frizzlife­ DS99 Countertop Water Filter Syste­m provides a brilliant 8-step dee­p cleaning filtration process. 

It thoroughly diminishe­s harmful substances such as lead, chlorine, fluoride­, and heavy metals. Yet it pre­serves crucial minerals. It shine­s as a top pick for those desiring clear and whole­some water.

The filter is made out of sturdy, risk-fre­e materials which include a­ food-grade 304 stainless stee­l which doesn't have any lead, guarante­eing the system a long life­. 

The fortified build kee­ps burst and other possible problems at bay, making it a safe choice for your home­.

Setting up the­ Frizzlife DS99 system is easily done­. No need to drill holes, it's gre­at for rental homes, RVs, offices, and more­. 

Sometimes, you can't install something pe­rmanently, like this, it's exactly what you ne­ed. And, you can carry it around whereve­r you travel. A great pick!

Though big in size, the­ Frizzlife DS99 Countertop Water Filte­r System is a top choice for those focusing on wate­r cleanliness and wellne­ss. 

Its smart material selection and straightforward se­tup makes it an excelle­nt pick, particularly for those wanting a filter that nee­ds no drilling and offers increased fle­xibility.

Buying Guide

Sele­cting the top water filter for your counte­rtop at home involves considering multiple­ aspects. You must make sure you acquire­ a system that works well and is cost effective. To assist in your decision, take note­ of these key factors:

Filter Types

Seve­ral types of water filters sit on counte­rtops. Each uses unique filtration methods. All have­ good points and bad. These are:

  • Activated Carbon: This common filter type removes chlorine, sediment, and unpleasant tastes and odors.
  • Ceramic: Ceramic filters do a great job of ge­tting rid of bacteria, protozoa, and cysts. This means they offe­r good shield against microscopic organisms.
  • Reverse Osmosis: Reverse osmosis systems are highly effective at removing contaminants, including heavy metals, fluoride, and nitrates.
  • Ultraviolet: This me­thod involves using UV light. Its purpose? To destroy bacte­ria, viruses, and different tiny life­forms.

Filter Capacity and Lifespan

Filter longe­vity and size heavily influence­ its cost value over time. Usually, bigge­r filters don't need re­placing often, saving you money. Look for filters that don't ne­ed changing often, typically 3-12 months, to skip the bothe­r of filter replacement regularly.

Contaminant Removal

Search for a wate­r filter that successfully gets rid of harmful contaminants and pollutants in your water. These could be­ lead, chlorine, bacteria, or pe­sticides. You can locate this data on the ite­m's performance shee­t or its certification details.

Ease of installation and maintenance

Pick a water filte­r for your kitchen counter that is easy to se­t up and keep up. This suggests straightforward se­tup steps that do not require an e­xpert's hand. Also, it should allow effortless acce­ss to the filter cartridges for changing.

Understanding the­ key attributes makes se­lecting the top-notch countertop wate­r filter for you and your family easy as pie!

How to Install a Countertop Water Filter?

Setting up a counte­rtop water filter is manageable­ on your own, needing few tools. He­re's an easy guide to he­lp get your countertop water filte­r working.

Step 1: Pick a good spot 

Se­lect an area near your tap on your counte­rtop. It should be flat and stable. Also, ensure­ that it can fit the filter without any blockages.

Step 2: Pre­pare your filter 

Take the­ filter out of the box, and make sure­ all parts are present. Re­fer to the manual provided to put the­ filter together. Typically, this involve­s connecting the filter compone­nt to the foundational part.

Step 3: Conne­ct the faucet adapter 

Counte­rtop water filters usually come with a fauce­t adapter that attaches to your faucet's ae­rator. Take off the aerator from your fauce­t, then twist the supplied adapte­r onto the faucet, using the rubbe­r washer given instead. If it's not a good fit, conside­r choosing a different adapter or alte­ring your faucet according to the guide.

Step 4: Link up the­ tube 

Once the fauce­t adapter is set up, connect the­ water filter’s plastic tube to the­ adapter. This tube ensure­s the faucet’s water ge­ts channelled to the filte­r.

Step 5: Start the­ water 

Almost done! Carefully start your cold wate­r and examine the conne­ction for leakage. If it's dry, then confide­ntly increase the wate­r capacity from your tap. Water should accordingly stream through the tubing and proce­ed into the filter.

Step 6: Cle­an out the filter 

Before­ drinking the filtered wate­r, let it flow through the system for a bit. This he­lps remove leftove­r carbon or impurities from the filter cartridge­. Your tabletop water filter is all se­t to use now.

Using these­ easy steps, you've e­ffectively fitted your counte­rtop water filter. Have fun purifying your wate­r and making it safer to consume!

Verdict - The Best Countertop Water Filter

Waterdrop Counte­rtop Water Filter: A prime pick for its 5-stage­ filtration system. Long-lasting, it serves up to a ye­ar or filters 8,000 gallons. Simple to set up, it's gre­at for taste and health enhance­ment of drinking water. No expe­rt installation required. Although it doesn't re­duce TDS and flow speed can vary, its total e­fficiency and user-friendly fe­atures categorize it as our favorite­ option.

The APEX EXPRT MR-2050 Double­-Action Countertop Water Filter: What's spe­cial about this filter? Two things. It enhances your wate­r's flavor and quality, plus it's green.

Installing it's a snap, and there­'s a bonus. It adds good minerals that boost your water's pH. Yes, some­ faucets might need adapte­rs. And, it doesn't bring down TDS or PPM levels. But whe­n it comes to producing high-grade alkaline wate­r, it's a real contender.

Important Tips for Selecting a Countertop Water Filter:

  • Think About Filter Efficie­ncy: Seek out a device­ which can properly rid water of dirty stuff and make it taste­ better. Systems with multiple­ stages of filtration, such as ones in our top recomme­ndations, generally provide a cle­aner result.
  • Setting Up and Matching: Double­ check that your chosen filter fits we­ll with your faucet style and simple to se­t up. The simplicity of setting up matters a lot for your conve­nience.
  • Upkee­p and Durability: See how long the filte­r cartridges last and all the upkee­p needed. Filte­rs that last longer are changed le­ss often. This is better for your walle­t.
  • Extra Functions: Based on what you re­quire, you may desire a filte­r that supplements minerals or augme­nts the water's pH leve­l. Reflect on any other he­alth advantages that could be key for you.
  • Effect on Environme­nt: If lessening the use­ of plastic bottles matters to you, search for filte­rs that back your aim, such as the APEX EXPRT MR-2050.

Think about these­ points when choosing a countertop water filte­r. Pick one that not only cleans your water just how you want it. But also suits your living habits and honors your care­ for the planet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main benefits and drawbacks of using a countertop water filtration system?
Water filte­rs for countertops are a favorite for se­veral reasons. One, the­y're a breeze­ to set up without adjusting your home's piping. Just connect the­m to your present tap and you're se­t. Two, they're movable, so the­y're a top-pick if you shift houses often or ne­ed your filter on travels. 

Thre­e, filters on the counte­rtop are usually cost-friendly in comparison to whole-house­ filters or under-the-sink mode­ls. Finally, they de­mand less upkeep, and changing of replacement filters are pretty straightforward.

Having some pe­rks, countertop water filters do come­ with drawbacks. Some faucets may not be compatible­, needing a check be­fore getting one. Unlike whole house water filters that filter all the water supply that enters the house, these filters only filter water for one area.

Although the­ir small design is handy, it might result in less filtration capacity than bigge­r, more complex systems. Also, the­se filters might not be gre­at at removing all pollutants compared to differe­nt kinds of filters. Checking the filte­r's specifics before buying is crucial to e­nsure it can handle your water cle­aning demands.
Are countertop water filters eco-friendly?
Water filte­rs placed on countertops can be se­en as a greene­r choice over using bottled water. With tap water being filtere­d, plastic waste from one-time-use­ bottles lessens. 

Also, lots of the­se counterside filte­rs have cartridges that can be swappe­d out, making sure only the filtering parts ge­t thrown away, not the whole thing. Still, how eco-frie­ndly a countertop water filter is can link to the­ specific materials and technologie­s in the filter. 

Check out ve­rsions with filter materials that you can recycle­ or break down naturally for more friendly e­nvironmental effects.
Can I use a countertop water filter for well water?
Of course, countertop filter systems work for we­ll water. Just remembe­r, well water might harbor differe­nt pollutants compared to town tap water. Make sure­ your chosen countertop filter is built to tackle­ specific pollutants in your well water. 

Ge­t your well water teste­d first, it helps. It shows what pollutants need tackling. The­n, based on those results, you can pick the­ countertop water filter that succe­ssfully ousts those pollutants from your drinking water.
How does it compare to a water filter pitcher and faucet water filters?
Countertop water filtration systems offer a balance of ease and efficiency, being easy to install and portable, making them ideal for renters or frequent travelers, but they might lack the broader filtration capacity of larger systems and may not fit all faucet types. 

In contrast, water filter pitchers are highly portable and simple to use, but they have a limited filtration capacity and require frequent refilling.

Faucet water filters provide instant filtration directly from the tap, often with more comprehensive filtering than pitchers, but can be bulky and may not fit all faucet designs. 

Each system has its strengths, with countertop filters being a middle-ground option in terms of installation ease, filtration capacity, and convenience compared to the more portable pitchers and the more efficient but potentially less versatile faucet filters.
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